


Date: 6/23/16 2:06 PM (GMT-06:00)

Subject: Care Package

Today, your care package for Mr. Burton arrived here. Although Mr. Burton has left to go back to the states, your package was well received. My platoon has assumed duties here, and we appreciate the gifts and letters included.  Feel free to continue to send packages as you see fit. They can be sent to the same address that Mr. Burton gave you, and addressed to either myself, or to Uplift Soldiers.

Thank you for all you do to support us.

Aaron Morgan SGT, USA, Team Leader, I TRP, 3/3 CR


Date: 11/23/16 10:33 AM (GMT-06:00)

Subject: Happy Thanks Giving & Living

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL of you and your Families! I recently read that you cannot spell thanksgiving without "giving."   And you all have given of your time, talents and treasure to strengthen the warrior soul and spirit. Thank you in partnering with me to put smiles on our Troopers faces and lift their spirits during this Holiday season.

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday that ushers in the season of family, gratitude and reflection.  In the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of Thanksgiving and every year since Americans have gathered to give thanks.

No matter our location during this holiday season, I am honored to serve with the men and women here in Afghanistan. I consider is "all joy" when we face trials of many kind because the testing of these trials produces steadfastness. Sure I miss my family, but it is great Americans like you who remind me that our Nation has Hope as we move forward during these tense and uncertain times.

Many thanks to all of you for sending over 500 Homemade (prayed over with love) Christmas Stockings! This week I received over 60 packages and I recruited some elves to assist me in stuffing these Stockings to distribute to the Troopers on Christmas Eve (see attached photos).

I leave you with this thought: "Thanksgiving" is giving thanks. But you cannot give a gift without a recipient. When we give thanks to God, we acknowledge that he is God. In reading an article yesterday, the author quoted Brennan Manning: "The save sinner is prostrate in adoration, lost in wonder and praise. He knows repentance is not what we do in order to earn forgiveness; it is what we do because we have been forgiven." In the same way, giving thanks is not what we do in order to earn God's blessing; it is what we do because we have been blessed.

You all have truly Blessed us here. May God grant you a wonderful day tomorrow as you gather around loved ones and celebrate Life and the Gifts that He has given you.
Brave Riffles!




Date: 11/24/16 6:16 AM (GMT-06:00)

I want to thank you for the care package that we received here at CP McGill. It always makes us happy to receive from caring people. We once again appreciate what you do and make our holidays better know people care about us back at home. Happy Thanksgiving

SSG Wayne MacKay
CP McGill, Afghanistan



Date: 11/24/16 7:38 AM (GMT-06:00)

First off, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to send the care package out to us out here in Afghanistan. It means a lot to my team and myself and serves as a boost of motivation. Happy thanksgiving by the way, eat lots of turkey :D. Here's a small token of our appreciation.





codywest31 "Great time meeting the family behind Project RED Friday. They go to extraordinary lengths to support troops all over the United States and beyond. I appreciate everything they have done for me and helped me with, while deployed and also while back in the states".

SP Cody West



From my deployed son:
"I got a package today from Project Red Friday. Can you please let them know how much we appreciate it?  Tell them thanks for thinking about us it was awesome to get an extra package of great stuff!" 

❤️ Thanks Mike and Annie for your support and kindness. Sure helps a mom's heart when she knows others haven't forgotten those who are still out there!

Kristie Mason Anderson




On behalf of the Soldiers here at TB Gamberi, let me say thank you for your wonderful support of the young men and women who are currently unable to be with their families, while serving in eastern Afghanistan.  Your generous donation of Girl Scout Cookies and hygiene supplies which really brightened the days of our Soldiers.  While the Soldiers do get three square meals a day, it’s the small comfort items from home that make it easier.  Your efforts remind us all the great hearts and spirits of Americans and that they are thinking about us.

 I hope this note finds you well.  Please pass on our heartfelt thanks to all the members of your project who make a difference in every Soldiers' life through your outreach. We appreciate your continued support of the well-being of our Soldiers.  Please know that while the Soldiers here have never met you, you bring joy and comfort to those serving in Afghanistan.  It might not be enough just to say thank you, but please know that we all do. May the good gracious Lord continue to bless you, your family and all your team with manifold blessings all the days of your life.

Pray for me
Peace and Blessings,



As the father of a Marine recruit who shipped out to Camp Pendleton yesterday I wanted to take a quick second to let you know how touched our son Jake was (as were we) with the Bible and Lessons on Life Book you presented him Sunday morning.  Your words of inspiration and encouragement are a true blessing to all of us and "just what the Doctor ordered" in this bittersweet time of incredible pride/fear of the unknown.  This is an exciting but challenging chapter in Jake's life and to know that there is someone out there who feels so strongly about supporting him and the folks just like him who have taken on the incredible responsibility of defending our freedoms is beyond encouraging.  Thank you for your support, your patriotism and your commitment to the "1%" that you refer to in your letter and please let us know if there is any way we as a family can assist you in this endeavor.

God bless you and your family!

Jeff and Melinda Wilkie



28 October 2017

I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you for letting my daughter spend time petting your two dogs at the car show today.  I was part of the car show and I could not get her to go with me because she was filling down and didn't want to go anywhere.  I left the car show early and convinced her to drive out with me and look at the cars.  She was in a foul mood until she saw your dogs and you let her pet both of them and spend a few minutes with them.  It still amazes me how she can turn around by just petting an animal.

A little about me.  I served in the Army for 11 years and deployed the Baghdad from April 2003 util July 2004 and I appreciate the efforts that Project Red Friday gives to our soldiers.

Thank you!

Stephen Jones